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Chiropractic Care

Chiropractic care is a method of assessing the spine and nervous system and using the chiropractor’s hands to realign and rebalance your system. Muscles can become tight, and this tightness can be alleviated by things such as massage. However, the nervous system controls the muscles. So if issues in the nervous system aren’t addressed, your tight muscles will simply return. Problems in the nervous system are often caused by the structure of the body and how it’s positioned.

Chiropractic care addresses those underlying nervous system issues by located and correcting misalignments and imbalances in your body. At Power Wellness Group, we also address weak muscles using Applied Kinesiology. This is important, because when muscles aren’t strong enough, they can’t hold the body in the proper position, and imbalances will continue to occur.
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Decades of Training and Experience

Chiropractors Dr Kopke and Dr McRae have been practicing for over twenty-five years. They have extensive training and additional certifications that allow them to find problems and correct them at their source. With a wide variety of adjusting techniques, they can tailor care to your needs and preferences.

Some patients like traditional chiropractic adjustments, while others prefer methods that don’t involve twisting, cracking or popping. We are able to create a care plan specifically for you.

Our techniques and therapies include

  • Manual adjusting
  • Neuro Emotional Technique (NET)
  • Sacro-Occipital Technique (SOT)

Getting Started

We always start with an open dialogue. We will explain in detail what we find, what the cause of the problem is, and how our techniques and services can correct it. We are very open and honest, and if chiropractic is not the answer for your situation, we will tell you that and refer you to the appropriate provider. We’re happy to answer any questions.

Contact Us

Contact us today to book your first appointment. We look forward to welcoming you!


Chiropractic Care | 03 9866 5355