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About Power Wellness Group

Our History

Power Wellness Group teamPower Wellness Group has been a fixture in the community for over thirty years. When Chiropractors Dr Antoinette Kopke and Dr David McRae were looking to purchase a practice, they were drawn to the high quality of care Dr Laurence Power offered, as well as the focus on relationships. This matched their own approach to care, and they purchased the practice from him in 2018.

Dr Kopke and Dr McRae have been practicing for over twenty-five years, and have each owned their own practice before becoming practice partners. Their individual skills complement each other and provide a broad range of services to best serve our patients. Dr Kopke is certified in Applied Kinesiology and Sacro-Occipital Technique, while Dr McRae is a Qualified Ergonomist, talented Sports Chiropractor and Applied Kinesiologist.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create an integrated wellness-based practice to provide a broad range of care, including massage and Traditional Chinese medicine, in addition to the Naturopath/Nutritionist we already have. We’re also passionate about fostering and mentoring new practitioners to help them achieve excellence in chiropractic adjusting techniques and patient care skills.
Meet the Team »

Conditions We See

With our extensive knowledge and experience, we can identify the underlying cause of many conditions and correct it at its source. Many patients seek our care for typical chiropractic complaints, such as headaches, back pain and neck pain. We also see various other musculoskeletal issues, as well as abdominal/digestive complaints, organ-related issues and more.

It’s important that we take the time to get to know you as a person. We want to understand how the issue you’re dealing with impacts your life. We consider your lifestyle, including movement patterns and dietary issues that may contribute to your current situation—we are interested in building health through building relationships.

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We look forward to welcoming you into our practice.

Contact us today to schedule.


About Power Wellness Group | 03 9866 5355