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Applied Kinesiology in Melbourne

Applied Kinesiology (AK) was developed in the 1960s by a chiropractor named George Goodheart. It’s a method of locating and addressing weaknesses, imbalances and impairment in neuromuscular function by testing muscle strength. At Power Wellness Group, we practice AK as taught by the International College of Applied Kinesiology, which is a more structural and clinically based approach than some other types of AK.

Using Applied Kinesiology, a weak muscle can be strengthened easily in many ways. Using different reflexes, adjustments and cranial corrections, AK can help achieves balance within organs, nerves, joints and the entire body.
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Expert Care for Your Needs

Chiropractor Dr Kopke is certified in AK by the International College of Applied Kinesiology and uses this method as part of the overall care plan for most of our patients. It’s part of our initial examination process and helps Dr Kopke design an appropriate plan for your specific needs. Some patients prefer to receive AK exclusively, rather than in combination with chiropractic care, and we are happy to accommodate that preference.

Patient with arm outstretched

What Are Some Benefits?

Using AK, Dr Kopke is able to identify a wide range of underlying conditions, some of which are chiropractic in nature and others that require medical care. She’ll let you know exactly what she finds, and, if we can’t help with the underlying cause, we’ll refer you to the appropriate provider.

When we find problems that can be corrected with chiropractic care, patients experience resolution of their symptoms and feeling uplifted. We often get positive results for musculoskeletal conditions, including headaches, migraines, neck and back pain, shoulder issues and more.

Learn More

Applied Kinesiology has helped many patients identify the cause of their symptoms when nothing else has worked. Dr Kopke is particularly adept at using AK to identify patients’ underlying conditions. Contact us today to learn more about how AK may be able to help you. HICAPS and Medicare instant claiming are available.

Applied Kinesiology Melbourne VIC | 03 9866 5355